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Ref NoP956/RGS-02
StateKuala Lumpur
LocationKuala Lumpur
CategoryWebsites for Sale
IT / Telco / Communication

App Development Software

This business is market leading business in Malaysia and Singapore, app development software provider of booking system, visitor management systems and other software solutions. Its target to high end client list including well known household names. Ideal for an existing software company or investor who are interested to invest in app application to purchase the business shares (40%).

This is a special application designed to with the users interest in mind. Owners designed this so that the user knows exactly what to do when setting foot into the events. It will tell you what to train, when to do it, and how to do it. All based on user training goals and experience level.

Each exercise has a description and video demonstrating the correct movement. It could offer a meal plan for individuals to get their eating in order to help them achieve their goals. Not everyone like to read review everyday, so the app has a feature allows user to choose the right person to follow or train.

This app is loaded with tons of cool features, but most importantly, the app programs will deliver the results user want. It has expansion plans, details, and help from current management team, great opportunity to grow to more countries quickly.
Remark :

Monthly Profit

Available on Request

Asking Price

RM 500,000
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