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Ref NoS841/QFS-04
LocationBatu Caves
CategoryEducation and Child Care

Skills Training College

The business was established in 2011, it is one of the biggest names in skills education industry in Malaysia. The college is a fully accredited further education provider offering certificates, diplomas, and degree programs. These programs will be affiliated with foreign universities and higher education institutions in Australia, Canada and UK.

Head office and the training centre are in Kuala Lumpur. Programmer offerings include: Management, Information Technology, Logistics, English Language, Photography, Game Development and Skills Programs.

An extremely fast growing business, owners have built up a great reputation and have grown students number in the past few years. There are multiple revenue opportunities and streams in this business, new owner could apply and add more courses to the college.

The buyer of this business will thus buy the existing Sdn Bhd entity as well and can then continue under the same business entity with the training. This kind of business is very rarely offered for sale and the scope to extend the activities of the training institute is limitless. The business is excellently managed and the staff have been with the business for long.
Remark :

Monthly Profit

Available on Request

Asking Price

RM 3,500,000
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