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Ref NoF421/VKS-02
StateKuala Lumpur
LocationKuala Lumpur
CategoryWebsites for Sale
IT / Telco / Communication

Online Platform & Mobile App for Sale

The idea is an IT start-up company with a functional proof of concept for a mobile application. It is a platform which connects consumers to merchants that have food which is about to be thrown away. Not because it’s rotten, but because it can’t be stored for the next day. So, this is a platform which saves food, saves the environment and allows people to search for bargains. Let people eat at a discount and optimize your costs.

The app allows merchant to post their food items on the app and consumers search for the discount foods nearby the area. The service providers will be restaurants, meals shop, bakeries, hotels, cafes, grocery shops and etc.

Company has no debts or liabilities, all works is remote, do not have a physical office. The product is newly launched and the application is available on IOS App Store and Google Play Store. The business generates revenue by charging merchants a commission on successful orders.

The online platform is developed by an in-house team. All software components and app design will be transferred to the buyer with any other related source code. New buyer could outsource the development and marketing team.
Remark :

Monthly Profit

Available on Request

Asking Price

RM 99,000
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