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Ref NoC401/VHS-05
LocationShah Alam
CategoryImport / Export / Transport

World Class Moving & Storage Warehouse

Established 18 years ago as a moving and storage company, the business is being sold as a goodwill, referrals, marketing, intellectual property, business contacts as well as limited tangible assets such as trucks and supplies.

Current 2 owners have more than 60 years combined experience in the industry. The company is well known amongst the industry worldwide with high standards of packing & moving quality. The company is one of the members of the largest moving associations in the world (2,500 members). It has established international clientele and choice of quality overseas partners. The current referral volume exceeds company capacity with large room for growth and expansion.

The owners make instant decision making with single contact point. Company is ISO certified and have a network in six continents and dedicated to quality. The staff are very well trained, warehouse with professional staff in place and allow the owners to operate the business full time. The system is well automated and organized, and the overhead is low with average profit margin for this industry.

The business has growth opportunity with tremendous potential in the current economic condition. It is easily expandable and the industry is resilient to any crisis. The owners will train the new owner to operate successfully. The business comes with all the moving equipment you would need to succeed.
Remark :

Monthly Profit

Available on Request

Asking Price

RM 3,000,000
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